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From: Rosemary
Sent on: Monday, June 3, 2013, 8:36 AM

Thanks to all who attended last night and to quote Dave, "how fun to have Sacramento, Paris and New York all featured in the same film".  What a well done film -- thanks for sharing this.

I'm looking for some feedback:

1) The discussion circle was so big last night I fear that not everyone got a chance to speak or can even hear across the room -- would it be OK with you guys if the we break into smaller circles when there are so many people -- we could switch like every 15 minutes or so in order for people to get to know one another.

2)  It occurred to me this AM that when Francis looks down at her bare feet -- she knows she has to stand on her own two feet -- she goes and accepts the job, starts her own dance stuff ...  what do you think?

3)  Does anybody remember the line about Virginia Woolf ... early in the film ... Francis and Sophie are on the couch reading ... for those of you who were there last night you know I wondered about these two women being romantically involved and it just strikes me that a line about an author who we now know was trapped in a heterosexual world seems significant.

4)  We didn't get a chance to discuss the dance that Francis choreographs -- people in pairs, in threes, some together gently -- others running into each other and all set to a certain timing -- it felt like it really captured the film right there in the dance -- thoughts? 

Again, thanks to all who attended and if you didn't get a chance to see this great film ... if you enjoy character driven films with charm and good script don't miss this one.  


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