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Re: [MST3K-STL] Donna Dierker added a post

From: Trish
Sent on: Thursday, March 18, 2010, 9:56 AM
Well I live in the Overland/Creve Coeur area so I would be interested in meeting somewhere in the central area of St.L county.
Looking forward to meeting you!

From: Donna Dierker <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wed, March 17,[masked]:26:18 PM
Subject: [MST3K-STL] Donna Dierker added a post

Hi Trish, Sarah, J.C., and Jennifer,

It's very cool to see fellow MSTies in STL.

The schedule is showing a meetup for 4/3 (and the first Saturday of every month) at 3pm, but that's just because it set a recurring schedule based on the March meetup (which ended up being just me ;-).

I would like to meet in April -- even if it is just to discuss how often, when, and where we should meet -- but I'm open to changing the date/time. The weekend of April 16/17/18 would actually work a bit better for me.

I also wanted to get your input on locations.

Let me know your thoughts/preferences,


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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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