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New Meetup: Nashville Filmmakers Mixer

From: Gray
Sent on: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 4:20 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Nashville Filmmakers Meetup!

What: Nashville Filmmakers Mixer

When: December 17,[masked]:00 PM

Panera Bread
782 Old Hickory Blvd
Brentwood, TN 37027

Come meet and network with other local filmmakers at the Nashville
Filmmakers mixer. I hope everyone can make it out and use this
opportunity to either share or begin to participate in each other's
projects. We will be meeting at Panera Bread in Brentwood. The table
will have a sign on it for the Nashville Filmmakers. Also, we will be
opening up the email list so that opportunities can be communicated
throughout the group. Please, if you do not wish to receive these
emails, go to your account settings and select "organizers only". Also,
do not respond to the mailing list directly as it will not go through.
Only respond through the group to the person who sent the message.
Also, to post a message you have to be a member of the group and any spam will
not go through. I hope you all can use this new tool to find actors,
writers, vfx people and anything else that you may need. If this tool is
not popular it will be taken down so please let me know how you feel.
I hope all of you had a fantastic Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing
you soon.

The address for the mailing list is

[address removed]

Remember, if you do not wish to receive emails, please say so in your account settings. Messages may not go through immediately if they are waiting for approval.

Nashville Filmmakers

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