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Re: [naturalbuilding-4] THIS WEEKEND! - ADPSR Mumford Awards @ Archeworks and a Bio-Diesel Bus out to Black Oaks Center

From: Lacy
Sent on: Saturday, June 13, 2009, 6:46 PM
I have relocated to Arizona -take care everyone. ?L :)?

From: mar <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Friday, June 12,[masked]:04:00 AM
Subject: Re: [naturalbuilding-4] THIS WEEKEND! - ADPSR Mumford Awards @ Archeworks and a Bio-Diesel Bus out to Black Oaks Center

Dan sounds like so much fun I'm in Portland now & wish I could also be in Chicagoland to partake in another one of your inspiring & excellent adventures.
On Jun 11, 2009, at 9:41 AM, Dan Hatch wrote:

Hello Natural Building Folks,

Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility is hosting two events this weekend.? Both are free.? Come out and help us make them both fun!

They include such things as activist designers, grassroots community organizations, free drinks, free food, live music, and a bio-diesel bus ride down to the Black Oaks Center.?
All of the details are below.?

Please RSVP - especially for the bus.? Thanks.

Hope to see you there!


Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR) Presents:
The 2009 Lewis Mumford Awards for Peace, Environment, and Development

When: Saturday,? June 13th 2009???? 6pm-9pm

Where: Archeworks (625 North Kingsbury St.)

Practitioners/designers/builders/activists/community members/local non-profits/ and other generally awesome people working towards community-based sustainability in and around Chicago.? The event is free and open to the public - please help spread the word!? Students are encouraged to attend.

To honor three exemplary Chicago community non-profit organizations, share other projects that are in the works, network with wonderful folks, and to celebrate all of the amazing activity happening in Chicago right now.? Food, drinks, and music will be provided to spice up the night.?

Roberta Feldman -
Director UIC City Design Center
Fred Carter and Dr Jifunza Wright-Carter -
Founders of The Black Oaks Center for Sustainable Renewable Living

Award Winners:

Peace - Growing Home
Environment - Little Village Environmental Justice Organization
Development - Fuller Park Community Development Corporation

Sunday, June 14th:? CommUnity Building Day at the Black Oaks Center Eco-Campus in Pembroke Township, IL

On IIT's Campus in front of the Herman Union Building.? 1.5 BLOCKS FROM THE 35TH STREET STOP ON BOTH THE RED AND GREEN LINES.?
Map of Location: Click Here

THE BUS WILL DEPART PROMPTLY AT 9AM.? PLEASE DON'T BE LATE.? We will arrive back at 3241 Federal Street at 5pm.?


Why:? To engage a large group of professionals and community members in several fun building projects.? We are currently working on: building a wooden deck for their new yurt, finishing the chicken coup, and putting the final layer of lime plaster and a tile mosaic on the natural construction cob wall.? We hope to also begin a site analysis for the future off-grid Welcome House.?

Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR) was established in 1981 as a 501(c) 3 public-benefit organization to work for peace, environmental protection, ecological building, social justice, and the development of healthy communities. ADPSR programs aim to raise professional and public awareness of critical social and environmental issues; further responsive design and planning; and honor persons and organizations whose work exemplifies social responsibility.
For more information check out:
For more information about our local projects, check our partner organization's website:

We hope to see you on June 13th and 14th!? Please contact Dan Hatch with any questions or to RSVP: (773)[masked]?? [address removed]?

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