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RE: Sam's point nature preserve.

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, April 29, 2016, 1:41 PM


I don't know how to drop this bad news..  There has been a forest fire at Sam's Point Nature preserve.  From the Helicopter footage I just saw on the internet, it looks like everything west of Lake Mataranza burned up.  (some 2,000 acres of land.)  The flames reached way above the tree canopy.  DEC brought in helicopters with buckets to fight it.

The damage may include the fragile cave ecosystems over at shingle gully, although I am not sure.  Sam's Point itself, as a park, is closed til further notice.

Sorry to drop this on you guys.  Perhaps the state Forest service might need some volunteers to put out the remaining ground fires, but word is that they had the main body of the fire under control as of yesterday.  I can't be the pointman on this, (other plans) but if any of you want to go up and volunteer, the main danger is over, they're just mopping up and might need help digging backtrenches and stuff.

Best Regards to everyone.
