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Fwd: Volunteering in Long Beach, NY this weekend

From: Meghan
Sent on: Tuesday, November 6, 2012, 8:05 PM
Hi all -

On Sunday I volunteered in Long Beach NY with a few friends from the NYC tech community. We are organizing another trip this weekend and we have lined up a bus and several cars to transport people from the city. If you are interesting in joining us, please complete this webform. We are in particular need of more cars (with gas!) and Spanish speakers.

For some background, Long Beach is a coastal community of 30,000 in Nassau county. The city experienced flooding during the storm surge, many homes are seriously damages and the city is still without power or running water. Volunteers are sorting through donated supplies, distributing goods at National Guard checkpoints, and doing clean up.

I hope that some of you can join.


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