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A week in FinTech - 13th September 2015

From: Eddie G.
Sent on: Sunday, September 13, 2015, 1:04 PM
A week in FinTech - 13th September 2015

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Hi Everyone, I hope you’re having a good weekend

We’re recruiting a London Chapter Organiser – it’s initially a volunteer position and would suit someone very into FinTech who wants to get involved in our community, I can’t think of a better way to get connected; I’m now delegating our Chapters to our core team of Organisers so I can focus on the bigger picture, pls ping me if it’s of interest

1. Upcoming Event: NewFinance October Open Mic Night - Thursday, October 15th @6pm, Layer7

Please join us for our usual mixture of networking, presentations, shout-outs and the best FinTech crowd in the scene. This monthly session is designed to provide an opportunity to catch up with your peers, to see what's going on in the London and International FinTech scenes and to tell us all about yourself and your own work.

Speaker slots available, please email me!

·       Oleg Fomenko, Founder and CEO of SweatCoin, a new financial fitness platform where movement turns into currency

·       Rob O'Donovan, Founder of Charlie, a workplace pensions product that uses free HR software as a route to market

·       Hesus Inoma, Founder and CEO of WeSavvy, a Pan-European digital insurance marketplace that enables Brokers/Agents to engage more effectively with Policyholders

·       Gene Vayngrib, CEO & Co-founder Tradle, a KYC network that helps banks reduce compliance risks by giving their customers a way to share KYC data in an auditable way via the blockchain

·       Liviu Morariu, Director of PensionMandate,  an event-driven infobase for sales and marketing departments within the asset management firms

2. FinTech Accelerator: Applications now open for the 4th FinTech Innovation Lab London Applications close this coming Friday 18th

You’ve heard about the FinTech Innovation Lab but, what exactly is it?  We’re an innovative, unique accelerator offering access to 16 of the world’s leading financial institutions.  In a non-sales environment, FinTech startups are given unfettered access to industry insights and mentorship, which is why our alumni have seen an average of 170% revenue growth.  Investment in FinTech grows continually and we’re on the verge of a FinTech revolution – so why not join in?

From 17 August, we’re accepting applications for our 2016 programme here: So if you or someone you know fits the bill, apply now! 

More info available at:

3. FinTech Accelerator: Applications for The Barclays Accelerator, Powered by Techstars in London are open

Ten companies will be chosen for this prestigious UK-based program. Each successful startup will be given funding of up to $120K and have access to mentorship from two world class networks. If you are a startup working in machine learning, lending, digital banking solutions, trading, cyber security, data analytics, payments, cryptocurrency, insurance, wealth management and beyond we would love to meet you at one of our events, office hours or webinars. Sign up here: Applications can be submitted at before our October 14th deadline.

4. Reach-outs for Startups

·       AltFi aggregator NextInvest seeks expert advice and support to expand. NextInvest, based in Edinburgh, is a FinTech start-up that provides UK investors with a slick, easy-to-use and informative comparison service, presently listing P2P Lenders but with significant growth and expansion potential. Contact: Jordan Stodart (jordan [at]

5. Other items that caught my eye this week…

·       M-Pesa’s API to Ease Integration with Other FinTech Platforms – good move turns it into a platform for many companies to deploy their tech

·       FUSION Selects 10 Startups for Its Swiss-Based Fintech Accelerator – we promoted this Accelerator recently, good to see such a high quality cohort; note it’s a new 12 month format rather than the usual 3

·       From Open-plan offices, to FinTech and regulation: Four ways the City is changing good balance view of the opportunities and threats as London evolves

·       Fintech pay, myths and realities risk, return… it’s not for everyone

6. Vacancies looking / offered / (please email me for a free listing)

·       Award winning cyber security innovator Digital Shadows is hiring sales, technical and security specialist talent in London, San Francisco and New York.  Apply here:

·       Mondo, a new digital retail bank is hiring a community manager to help us work with our customers to build the best digital retail bank in the world:

·       Credit Benchmark, a credit risk data Startup backed by Index and Balderton have a load of positions in product/business/tech in London and New York:

·       miiCard provides Online Identity Services for individuals, business and enterprise that enable high-value transactions to take place in a purely digital and secure environment:


If you have any news to share with the group please send it to me by close on Fridays and I’ll drop it into this mailer. Remember that we have Chapters in Hong Kong, Jersey, London New York, Paris, San Francisco, Singapore and Warsaw, pls let me know if you need to connect in any of these cities.

You may also keep up to date with our latest events, research, guides, videos, photos and more on our Meetup, YouTube and Twitter channels.

Enjoy the weekend



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