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Coming to your first event

From: DeAnna E.
Sent on: Thursday, January 10, 2008, 8:16 AM
Since I?ve been involved with social groups for a while now, I sometimes forget how it feels to be new and get the courage to attend your first event.

When I lived in California, before I met Max, I signed up for an activities group. I read the messages that were posted and about the events that were scheduled for TWO years before I finally decided I was ready to participate. Some of it was due to my schedule and some of it was due to not wanting to go alone and be the only person that didn?t know anyone. It seemed like most of the people in the group already knew each other.

I finally decided to go to an event--a mid-week happy hour. Since I am very skilled at drinking (lol), I figured this was a good first event. There were about 10 people that came to the happy hour, one of them being Max?who is now my husband?and even though it seemed they all knew each other, everyone was very welcoming and wanted to get to know me.

It was a great first event, not just because I met my future husband, but because I tried something new, on my own. I had always wanted to expand my circle of friends and do some activities that I hadn?t done before.

So, for those of you that haven?t come to an event yet, please know that you will feel welcome, everyone is friendly and none of us bite (so far). Come to the Tropical Party or another event soon!


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