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Just a reminder about "33 Dates"

From: Tammy S.
Sent on: Saturday, August 8, 2009, 9:04 AM
I had the chance to check out this play both written (with the help of friends too) as well as acted out by our own Jacque with a Q.

This play was extremely entertaining and many of us can relate to it. Please do take the time to see it.

Show is tonight at 5:30 (be there by 5:25)
Sunday at 2:00

There is also some chuckle with meetup in mind. How well do you know your friends? Who in meetup did speed dating on a chair lift? What dating nightmares have you had. Skateboards, Ms Excitement. The 1 hour date that allowed you to speak 3 sentences. Good thing he kept telling you he was a great listener.

Come and laugh them off with the hope of the "right one"


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