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New Roleplaying group creation- Short meeting - Wed 25th August - 20:00 - De Schutter

From: Manuel
Sent on: donderdag 12 augustus 2010 18:54

Dear Guild Members,

To anyone interested in finding a regular group in the netherlands, you can post your availability and preferences on the meetup forums in the thread about group creation meeting here.
I will help to organize new group creation meeting in Amsterdam or other location based on the information you will provide so please tell us when and where you would be available. Alternately you will find on the forum the email address of a mailing list I have created for this purpose.

To anyone interested in finding a regular gaming group in the Amsterdam area, there will be an organizational meeting held on the Wednesday 25th August at 20:00 (after my running of the D&D encounter at the ABC). We will meet at the Schutter caf? on the 1st floor. The?meeting will last an hour?or so, just long enough to get organized for a first game session. To those who don't know me, I will bring a Meetup table sign to help identify us.?

This session is intended to get the group(s) organized, and to get like-minded people together. Discussions of which game system will be used, and what kind of characters people want to make will come late in the session. Please see the message board thread for?a list of things you should think of before coming to the meeting.

?-?If you plan on attending
, please let me know on the message boards at the link below

?-?If you can't attend this session, but are interested in finding a group
, please let us know via the message boards at the same link, so that we can schedule another organizational meeting.

we'll see you there!

Manuel - Assistant organizer

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