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3D printing event & more

From: Manon
Sent on: zondag 11 juni 2017 19:28

Hi all,

Just a short note to let you know that next weekend there is a free 3D-printing event in the Permanent Future Lab (Vondelpark 3). Sensemaker Sebastiaan is organising this in close coorperation with Zortrax and Multi 3DPrint. Feel free to pass by and learn how 3D printing works, make your own design and print is! We'll be there:

Friday     16 June  10.00 - 18.00
Saturday 17 June  12.00 - 18.00
Sunday   18 June  12.00 - 18.00

Enough ideas for #learningbydoing!
Last week we had our first projectmeetup with a nice enthousiastic crowd. Apart from working on the waterbuoy that will be launched at the Marineterrein next week, there were 3 pitches for a new project to work on together. The topics are air quality, indoor CO2-sensing and a VR-controller.
Please join the Slackchannel if you want to get involved (send me a note if you want to be added).

On June 21th we will not only launch the waterbuoy but also have 2 great speakers; Jan Kees Schakel from Sensing Clues and Bruce Sinclair, publisher of IoT Inc. And of course, beer & pizza!

Hope to see you there, all the best, Manon

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