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Saturday’s BBQ – Last Chance for Early Discount

From: Trish Blain 3
Sent on: Thursday, May 16, 2013, 10:05 PM

Hi everyone!!

Looking forward to Saturday’s BBQ!   We have over 50 people signed up so far and it should be a lot of fun.

PLEASE UPDATE RSVP! If you are planning on attending or if you have changed your mind, please update your RSVP so we can get as accurate an estimate as possible. There are a lot of food costs for this event and we don’t want to waste food or lose money!

Help us lower the risk of the food costs by signing up online and pay only $15 instead of $20. Either way it is a cheap night out for all you can eat food and great company! You are welcome to pay the $20 at the door and still appreciate it if you can RSVP for a head count.

The city of Somerville has waived parking restrictions around my house. You can park at any permitted spot as long as it is not in violation of hydrants, sidewalks, etc. If you get a parking ticket please let me know and I will forward you the email so that you can take care of the ticket. We have been very successful in the past for the few tickets that have happened.

My house is only a few minutes’ walk from the Porter Square T-stop on the REDLINE. You can park your car at the Alewife station on Rt. 2 and take the T two stops.


1.) Your contribution of $20 if you have not prepaid online

2.) Beer and Wine for yourself if you would like to drink( responsibly and are over 21!)

3.) Your favorite Party/Board Game if you would like

4.) Friends and/or Significant Other! :)

5.) Your fun self!

We will be providing all the food and non-alcoholic beverages for this event.

DRESS CODE: Casual or fancy is great….be comfortable or express yourself!

AGE RANGE: All ages are welcome

If you are single: I will have stickers you can put on your name tag to indicate you are available …

My Address:

29 Elm Street,
Somerville, MA

Time: 7pm - 12:30am

My Phone:[masked]
