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Why So Many Meetup Groups?

From: Trish Blain 3
Sent on: Friday, June 21, 2013, 4:01 PM

Hi Everyone!

Hope you can join us tomorrow night at the Multi-meetup House Party!

I’ve been getting questions about all my meetup groups and thought I would share more about them and the intentions behind my events.

What are the Meetup Groups?
Many of you have asked what groups are invited to the multi-meetup parties. Here they are:

Relationships & Sexuality: Eros, Singles Dance Party, Singles Dinner Party

Spirituality: Soul Experiments

Business: Entrepreneur Allies, Nonprofit Allies, Green Business Allies

Creativity & Arts: Express Yourself, Revelry Dance Parties

Conscious Living: Everyday Utopia

Technology & Science PLUS: Collide

Health & Wellness: Vital Body & Mind

Why so many Meetup Groups?
All the meetup groups related to my personal passions and work in the world. I’ve often been told “pick one thing” which has always confused me….because honestly….for me, it is all one thing! (Sound familiar? How many hyphens do you use to describe yourself?)

For several years now, I’ve been holding a vision of a new kind of community and meeting space for “multidimensional people” (see below), where we can gather, network and have access to shared resources such as space, equipment and experts.

While I still hope to have the physical space someday, I’ve realized that I need to share the philosophy and gather the community first. The meetup groups are the first step and the second step will happen soon with a new website.

The events, classes and parties are all part of this bigger intention. Starting in the fall, there will be even more unique ways that the various groups will be mixed and explored.  

I love creating events and community where we can:
• Cross-pollinate – Various Disciplines, Expertise, Ages, Backgrounds, Cultures, Educations, etc.
• Create Alliances – Both Obvious and Surprising
• Get Support for our Passions & Projects
• Be Creative & Express – Experiment, Try New Things and Have Fun in the Process
• Connect in Multiple Ways and Share All parts of Ourselves
• Learn Stuff!
• Help each other Make a Difference in the World

…and of course, if you are available…meeting great people for a love connection too!

I will be launching a new website soon that will explain more of the bigger plan, and have a variety of ways that you can get involved.

More than a Party
The house parties are a great way to have fun while meeting diverse and interesting people in a casual setting. But more than that, you just never know where a new connection can will take you. When you have an open mind and lead with good will....magic happens. Would love to have you join us! Take a look at the meetup group events listing for details. I’ll be posting more events to the various groups and hope to see you at another event soon if you can’t make the party.

Always open to your input and suggestions!
Feel free to contact me via email at [address removed] or through meetup. Love to hear your thoughts and suggestions….

Thank you so much for joining my groups, I am sincerely honored.


P.S. Curious about what it means to live a Multidimensional Life?

Does this sound like you?

…Multiple PASSIONS
You have many passions and areas of expertise, always learning and trying something new. You find yourself often using multiple hyphens to describe what you do -- “I am an engineer/musician/chef/yogini” for example.

You recognize that all aspects of one’s life are important and interconnected. You cultivate dynamic balance with family, relationships, work, and play in order to create a vibrant integrated life.

You are dedicated to finding your purpose and creating the best life you can for you and your family at the same time you want to make a difference in the world. You look for opportunities to use your gifts and passions to help others, to create win/win collaborations and have a positive impact on the future.

In addition to the enjoyment of the 5 senses, you know there is more. You are curious, open and like to explore the edges of our collective knowledge, cultivating and tapping into the realms of intuition, chi-energy, creativity, and eros.

Going beyond empathy, you are able to hold multiple worldviews and perspectives at the same time, even when they are seemingly opposite. You are able to step out of black/white, good/bad thinking and transcend judgments in order to seek “Both/And” solutions. You embrace and work with paradoxes.

You enjoy cross-pollinating and see connections rather than distinct barriers between disciplines such as technology, science, art, and business.

You know the importance of cultivating other intelligences, such as emotional and social, in addition to your mind.