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Be Memorable! Blatant Plug Talent Show

From: Trish Blain 3
Sent on: Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 1:45 PM

Hi Everyone!

So excited about this Sundays Sparkdays Launch. Still have a spaces open for the Blatant Plug talent show and this group should be a goldmine for inspiring initiatives/services to share!

Come on! It will be fun!

Shoot me an email to hold your space: [address removed]

Be Memorable! Blatant Plug Talent Show

How many elevator pitches do you actually remember? How many networking events have you been to where you fight to keep awake during introductions or end up with a pile of cards that you can’t remember faces for?

Are you creative and do you love to challenge yourself? Open to something different?

Here’s your chance to be memorable, have some fun and network with other creative, passionate people.

You get 3 minutes to hype and ham it up. Be Silly, Be clever….make us laugh, or cry!! Inspire or Educate us!

Share your art, Sell your CD, pitch your product, company, or service while entertaining us!!

  • Perform or Give a demo
  • Tell a story
  • Do a skit
  • Give an Unexpected Presentation related to your business
  • Create a game show about your nonprofit project
  • Team up with another artist and set your photography to their music
  • Tell an inspiring story
  • Sing a Song about your services
  • Share your poetry or Write a poem about your product
  • Share Stupid Human Tricks while telling us about your business
  • Do a comedy routine about why we should by your product

There are no rules except keep it to 3 minutes and it can’t be the usual elevator pitch.

I’ve done this event before and it’s a blast and I STILL remember every person that shared their business and passion.
