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RE: [newtech-1] Networking groups in Los Angeles

From: user 6.
Sent on: Sunday, February 24, 2008, 1:26 PM
The scenario I was attempting to describe is for those start-up ventures as they are in an early product development phase (similar to my own) where they are not quite to the stage where VC funding is required. Let's say it's beyond Friends/Family and closer to the Angels. At this crucial stage, IP has yet to be secured with the Patent process, but it's still able to stand on it's own. During this development phase, working with an IP Bank the founder is able to commit the ROI to the IPB rather than to give up shares so early in the game.
Rich, with the host of professionals you describe, the development phase would have the necessary counseling and mentoring. In effect this team/development process brings a higher level of success to the Ventures before they are presented to the VC's or even to the Corporate world for Licensing. As a historical path is paved, the Ventures mature at rates (fast track) that bring a higher number of members to the table. As you know, success does have a tendency to build upon itself.

From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Rich Hecker
Sent: Sunday, February 24,[masked]:07 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [newtech-1] Networking groups in Los Angeles

The IP bank is interesting but i dont see it working in nyc, too complicated. Screening is easy, just have people fill out a couple of questions and a link to linkdin/fcbk profiles and then check references. The idea is anyone gets 1 pass to come to an event but has to be invited back by a vote of the members, something like that Selection would be easy. Cost is negligible, it costs me a couple hundred bux everytime i have a brainstorming session for drinks after but space, beverages etc... are free at the event itself sponsored by a law firm. It really just means bringing everyone together and getting a lot of the past and current successful entrepreneurs and ceos out of the woodwork to show up. We get a few at each of our events but we really need a great commitment for it to go where i think it can. It needs commitment from vc funds to encourage their portfolio ceos to attend and from cashed out founders to want to give back and help first time entrepreneurs. there's a lot of moving parts.

Sincerely yours,

Richie Hecker
Chief BootStrapper
Fax: 877. [masked]
AIM: WhoIsRichHecker
Speaking of which, who am I?

"I'm such a cereal entrepreneur, I eat startups for breakfast.

#5 Peoples' Choice for Most Influential Person in Silicon Alley

On Feb 24, 2008, at 12:52 PM, Perry North wrote:

Rich Hecker,

This scenario of a collaborative effort was discussed within a similar Entrepreneur / Investment Group while I was in Nevada. Some of the hurdles to overcome include commitment & trust. At one point I had even suggested an investment pool where Entrepreneurs with IP would commit a percentage back into the fund for future ventures.
Certainly there will be successful projects that will offset those that fail to reach market potential. In the perfect world there would be a screening process that would strike a balance between the former while keeping the later to a minimum.
Personally, I would make that commitment of a ROI to a common IP Bank that could be accessible to other Entrepreneurs.
There is a similar IP Bank currently in operation

Perry C. North

From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Rich Hecker
Sent: Sunday, February 24,[masked]:57 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [newtech-1] Networking groups in Los Angeles

I've been thinking about the community question for a while. My estimate is that we have about[masked] tech entrepreneurs in nyc and a total community of around 7000 people in the startup space (not counting employees). These are guesses btw so feel free to disagree.

We have people and groups but no one has brought them together. I"m trying to do this a bit with my happy hours having groups from all sides as cohosts and i've got a couple of other events in planning. Community will develop as a result of 2 things 1) information sharing between successful entrepreneur's and 2) investors and entrpreneurs working from the same side of the table....the idea is to build community beyond people that go to network because they have to netwrok or are looking for something. Sustainable community requires serious people on all sides that add net value to the group and can share experiences.

We don't have this now, i'd love to work with anyone whose trying to make it so.

Sincerely yours,

Richie Hecker
Chief BootStrapper
Fax: 877. [masked]
AIM: WhoIsRichHecker
Speaking of which, who am I?

"I'm such a cereal entrepreneur, I eat startups for breakfast.

#5 Peoples' Choice for Most Influential Person in Silicon Alley

On Feb 24, 2008, at 9:48 AM, Murat Aktihanoglu wrote:
Dealmaker Media, Lunch 2.0, TwiistUp and GeekDinner are replicating their Silicon Valley events in LA, hence building a strong community that supports/fosters startups/entrepreneurs/investors in the area.

Of course, we are always talking about how we can create a similar community in NY. I am not affiliated with any of these events, I am just an entrepreneur in New York City that spends time in the valley sometimes (last time at the Kleiner/Perkins incubator) and groks fully why so many entrepreneurs move there. I got contacted a while ago by one of these event organizers, they were just trying to gauge the potential of setting up similar events in New York. We already have some similar events here but what do you think we can do to show these silicon valley events and also NY-based companies thinking about venturing into this space, that 'if they build it, the community will come in force'?


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