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Re: [newtech-1] Re: Laptop available for the hardware-adept

From: D.A. G.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 2:35 PM
I think Kervin's talking about the premium price "built-in" to all Apple products -- and due to this, they (unlike Dell/Lenovo/etc) can generously afford to replace laptops that have suffered user-generated damage (coffee spills, drops, etc.)


On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Anthony Zeoli <[address removed]> wrote:
I'm not clear on this. Apply Care is not "mandatory." I don't believe there is a "mandatory" extended warranty from Apple when you purchase their products. There's the manufacturer's warranty and then you have to purchase the extended Apple Care separately.

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On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Kervin <[address removed]> wrote:
Apple does not absorb the cost of that replacement.

They're not replacing it because they're nice, they're doing so because they built in a mandatory extended warranty into the base price of their product.  Most other vendors make extended warranties optional.

Last year I bought a i5/8GB/500GB laptop from Dell.  Same industry standard components as more expensive brands and came with more bells and whistles than I personally need ( including an extended battery that still gives me 4hrs on moderate to heavy compiler/CPU use ).  It's my main workstation and it costs $1070, including tax and shipping.

Dell would point at me and laugh if I asked for a replacement because of a coffee accident.  But I'm ok with that since buying from Dell is still cheaper even after I factor in a 'coffee replacement laptop' every few years.

PS.  Besides this, I must be really old school because I believe if I break my property it's my responsibility to fix it.  But then again after a decade of working on the road, 1000s hrs working in coffeeshops ( this is no stretch ) and being permanently attached to my laptops 7 days a week, I've never lost one yet ( knock on wood ).

Best regards,

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