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Re: [newtech-1] MBA - is it worth the effort for entrepreneurship?

From: Baba
Sent on: Saturday, September 6, 2008, 8:38 AM
Think about all the deals an MBA has worked on in M&A type of activity. Think of all the scandals that have come to cause major debacles.
The MBA program is one of few programs that requires the student to take a course in Ethics, and yet time and again you find that most of the students must have slept through that class.
I am the only one in my group of colleagues at work who doesn't have an MBA. My observations of what it provides for is that it provides you with a large network (sorry ladies but there is still the Old Boys Network, especially if you are from the Ivy leagues) and does do a good job in terms of how you present ideas i.e. give you a clear coat of varnish to be smooth.
 I have managed to hold my own due to my subject matter knowledge.
Go into an MBA if you need to build out that network ( it is important for many)

On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 8:14 AM, D.A. Gutierrez <> wrote:
and for those short on cash and willing to do a lot of self study, check
out the Personal MBA:


On Sat, September 6,[masked]:00 am, Rob Freeborn wrote:
> I'll toss two more thoughts onto this discussion:
> As a recovering MBA myself (and we just had a similar discussion on NextNY
> as well) I would recommend doing a financial analysis of the cost of
> getting
> your MBA. You not only have the tuition and other associated fees but the
> lost earnings as well. If it's a two year program and your fully burdened
> benefits are $100k / year, that could be an extra $200,000 that you're now
> "in debt" and need to realize in additional income to justify the time.
> One way to work around that is to look at an Executive MBA program. They
> will take into account your working life and meet one weekend a month (or
> whatever the schedule is) over 1.5 or two years. You typically also have
> at
> least a couple one week or two week "immersive" sessions along the way
> where
> you're going full time and getting to know your classmates better.
> The difference is - are you looking to develop the network or get the
> degree? If you're developing the network a full time is likely the better
> way to go. If you're looking for the degree then an Executive program may
> just fit.
> Also, take a look at that thread on NextNY because there was a response
> there re: a new tech focused MBA @ Polytechnic Institute - a division of
> NYY.
> r.

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