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Re: [newtech-1] Want to make any website do the "Harlem Shake"?

From: rburton
Sent on: Saturday, March 16, 2013, 7:04 AM
I think the most revealing thing about this video was the different reactions between the generations. The more mature interviewees call it for what it is, a playful video that's done for entertainment. The younger folks are very territorial, violant and racially rooted.

It's not uncommon to see younger people living in the city holding such beliefs. People from my hometown would respond the same way. Harlem wasn't hardcore back in the day; like the one girl mentions.

It's very telling in how communities are raising the youth of today.

I like when the guy says "They're disrespecting the Harlem swag". I wonder if he knows the origins of swag?

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 3:58 PM, EddieN <[address removed]> wrote:

I know this may seem like a small thing to make a fuss over, but speaking as one who lived in that area of Manhattan pre-gentrification, I am at this point thoroughly sick and tired of seeing all of these videos purporting to be the "Harlem Shake". They are a travesty, a terrible example of cultural appropriation, and as Harlemites have said over and over, enough is enough. Really.

You want to know what the Harlem Shake really looks like?  Prof. Melissa Harris-Perry breaks it down here:

Or, you can watch it at towards the end of this video from the first lady of Ruff Ryders, Eve.

And with that, I return you now to your regularly-scheduled (shake-free) programming :)



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