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Newbie Rubyist looking for internship

From: Patrick M.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 4:11 PM
Hello all,

After writing some equations and content in .rb files for an agile startup here in NYC (some of you probably know our former CTO Bryan Helmkamp) I've become really interested in learning Ruby. I've completed the CodeAcademy Ruby program and am getting through Rails for Zombies right now. 

Previously I was the Analytics lead at Efficiency 2.0 for two and a half years, and before that got my master's in Energy & Environmental Economics at Duke (where I taught stats classes). Long story short, I'm looking to make a lateral move and learn to program, hopefully while still utilizing my analytics skills. If anybody's looking/willing to take on an intern and/or could utilize a stats guy, I'm very interested in digging deeper.

I'm also regularly at Pivotal Labs and have worked with some folks there to put together the algorithm side of the program ( for ping pong scoring and ranking. If anyone is interested or has any leads, please reply directly. Thanks for reading this far everybody!

Patrick McNamara
[address removed]

MEM Duke 2010 - Energy & Environment
BA Missouri 2008 - Economics and Political Science

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