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This Thursday: Cooking Class with Kurt Gutenbrunner

From: Amy S
Sent on: Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 11:07 PM
Dear Friends,
The German-American Steuben Parade committee has organized a cooking class event this Thursday, if you have time you should check it out it. Details are below.
Alles Gute,

KURT GUTENBRUNNER: Catfish and Topfenknödel

Austrian-born Kurt Gutenbrunner, chef/co-owner of New York City's Wallsé, Café Sabarsky, Blaue Gans, The Upholstery Store and Cafe Kristall has earned abundant praise for his modern interpretation of Austrian cuisine and his seamless integration of food and art. Gutenbrunner has been a star in the culinary world of New York City ever since arriving in 1988. Today, he is serving spectacular German and Austrian dishes in six very distinct places: Decorated with a coveted Michelin star rating, Wallsé mixes an early 20th century Austrian minimalist aesthetic with works by contemporary international artist Julian Schnabel, while Blaue Gans, Kurt's Tribeca location, pays homage to the traditional wholesome "wirtshaus" he enjoyed visiting during his childhood in Austria. Café Sabarsky is a traditional Viennese café housed in New York's Upper East Side, and Café Kristall is decorated in a minimalistic fashion and set amongst Swarovski's unique crystal designs.

In this exclusive event, Chef Gutenbrunner will open his kitchen to show you the secrets of his art. He will prepare Catfish with Riesling Sauerkraut followed by Topfenknödel with Pear-Cranberry Compote as desert. Hand-selected beer and wines will be served. To dig even deeper into Chef Gutenbrunner´s expertise, you may browse through his latest book "Neue Cuisine" (Rizzoli), which will be available in October.

Thursday, Sept. 8, 6 PM
Institute of Culinary Education
50 West 23rd Street, New York City
$75 - RSVP at[masked]