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Webinar: Ready for Mobile? It's Time to Decide on the "HOW"

From: Chen L.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 17, 2016, 12:26 PM

Join us for a 30 minute webinar as we share what we have learned from our over 100 customers who have been exactly where you are now.  Some of the topics to be covered

Determining if you need a complete mobile strategy or single app
What type of flexibility should you be looking for
What level of innovation is right for you 
How do you make the development life-cycle fit yours

PLUS, register for the the webinar and download you a copy of our white paper of the same name and a tool to help you rate and evaluate your needs. 

When: Thursday, May 24, 2016

11:30 am ET | 8:30 am PT | 15:30 GMT


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