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Re: [ultimatefrisbee-149] Ultimate this Weekend!

From: Rod
Sent on: Saturday, March 6, 2010, 11:34 AM
Can't make ultimate today, but if anyone wants to toss and play disc 
golf 2:30 - 4:30, Rod, Max and some friends will toss and play disc 
golf in Central Park at 2:30 if anyone wants to join us.  We will be 
South of 96th st transverse and North of Tennis courts and reservoir.  
Text me at[masked] if you want to join in.

On Mar 5, 2010, at 10:06 PM, Damien wrote:

Hey Everyone,

It's going to be GORGEOUS this weekend... Come play frisbee Saturday at 
10am, Sunday at 1pm.

Saturday Point Person:[masked]


The Riverside location is all the way West just off the water between 
102nd and 108th Streets. You can only enter the park at 103rd and 
108th. The best way to get there is to take the 1 local (sometimes 2/3 
runs local on weekends) to 103rd Street. Walk West until you see an 
entrance that takes you down to the fields through the park. After 
walking down the steps from the street, you will see a path that goes 
left and another that goes right. Walk down the right path until you 
see a stone wall and stairs that go down to the fields. From South to 
North there will be one small field surrounded by a track, another 
field with two softball fields (closer to 103rd st) and another that is 
a giant soccer field (closer to 106th st). After walking down the 
steps, you will see the large Soccer field on your right. By 10:15am on 
Saturday you should see the disc flying there. On Sundays by 1:15pm you 
should see a disc in the same location, or at the softball field a 
little South of that spot.

Try to RSVP, but if you haven't please let the point person know that 
you're coming. With the exception of extreme weather we will play every 

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  Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | 
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