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Re: [ocpug] September Meetup

From: Dan S.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 1:45 PM

I went and checked out SendGrid in early June.  They aren't very centrally located, and would require multiple trips to the front door to let people in.  Other than that, it looked pretty good.

I agree that we could find something better than Round Table.

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Chris Lasher <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Ed,

I'm new to the group, myself. AFAIK we have no venue scheduled. As I understand it, OCPUG needs a host location. The July meetup happened in the events room of Round Table Pizza in Lake Forest. Aside from the lack of Wi-Fi, it's a pretty decent location for a group of around 20. I can call and try to reserve that space again if that will work. 

It would really help OCPUG to build a relationship with a company or organization willing to host events. A good venue for technical meetups has most of these properties:

* centrally located (relative to travel time in traffic)
* free and abundant parking close to the venue (or easily accessed by mass transit, but that's not really popular here, I take it)
* has a projector or a very large screen TV
* easily accessed (e.g., no keycard necessary for entry, or the door is within sight of the meeting room)
* tables are available for laptops
* food and drink are permitted in the room
* free guest Wi-Fi access
* abundant outlets (or at least enough to string power strips around the room)

I would say lacking any of the first four items tend to be a buzz kill. The remaining items are nice to have, but they make a positive difference.

If you work for a company or an organization that has space meeting most of those criteria (or you know a buddy who works at such a place), please get in touch with the facilities manager to see if they would be willing to try hosting the meetup once or twice. I know it's hard when a lot of us work at companies averse to having people outside the company in their office space, but I attended the OC MongoDB meetup at Sage, and that was a pretty excellent location, so I know it's possible to find something similar for OCPUG.

Looking through the archives, I see that Socrate Loth mentioned SendGrid would be interested in hosting OCPUG back in April, but I don't know if anything became of that. I understand that Anaheim probably isn't very centrally located for most attendees, but if they're still interested, we could try it out and maybe sync up with carpooling or such. I'm not sure if Socrate is still on the list of if SendGrid's still up for hosting. (Socrate, if you're reading this, please let us know if this is still a possibility.)

Chris L.

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 7:56 AM, Ed <[address removed]> wrote:
I  am new.
Will you be posting the location of the Meetup?

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Chris Lasher <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi all,

OC Python missed putting together an August meetup, so let's regroup for September! To get the ball rolling on content for the September meetup, I'll demonstrate a fantastic interactive tool called IPython, which, after herculean effort, finally reached its 1.0 release back in August. Whether you have a little or a lot of experience with Python, you'll find a lot to love about IPython.

Chris L.

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Dan Stromberg

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