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Re: [OCPython] Meetup - day of week/month?

From: Lucy P.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 5:10 PM

NS82RE: Planners of additional OCPython events plus anyone not seeing else experiencing all the recent months of newly-redesigned ongoing active events (Simulsquads) every week or two as announced on the OCPython website, 

For these additional OCPython meetings being proposed, any day is good for me and several other OCPython regular attendees & leaders provided  it doesn't conflict with OCPython's long-existing active meetings (Simulsquad) (happening since our[masked] OCPython meeting, so coming on 1 year!), which already are on Tuesday evening & nights since our[masked] meeting, every week originally  then every-other week starting with OCPython's[masked] meeting though we've now got OCPythoner's strongly asking us to again have these OCPython Simulquad meetings weekly (in this thread).

*Delighted to see official group head Dan attending events again; for about the last 9 months, we've quite missed you. And great to see some new faces here.
*For those who haven't noticed yet, 
for the last 10 months or more, OCPython actively meets every 1 to 2 weeks with our regular Simulsquad co-working meetings & socials, including today­ , so last one just 2 weeks ago­ (Dan, see your ‘NS6PZJ’ email about this series). There we collaboratively discuss & train on and work on Python and more, have a few active Python group projects going, and occasionally do mini-presentations. Hope to see all there, too.”
 --quoting my post on the additional meeting.

I would have posted this sooner but naturally we figured those planning additional OCPython meetings would first check the OCPython website for what's been long happening there (notably our many events, past & already planned). Second, I was not set up to checking & especially posting to the mailing list as Meetup naturally expects event planning to be done via posting on the site via its powerful collaborative event planing facilities; indeed use of the mailing list facility I've never seen used on any other Meetup group as Meetup is made to do better communication via web posting via its design. Just make sure your Meetup communication settings are turned on so you get the announcements of posts on our site.

For those that don't know, thee Simulsquad meetings have been great as I share above. Looking forward to seeing you all there.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Larry Tichauer <[address removed]> wrote:
Thursday and maybe centrally located?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 18, 2015, at 1:44 PM, Dan Stromberg <[address removed]> wrote:

Among people who would be likely to attend a monthly meetup at least some of the time, what day of the week would work best for you?

I'm thinking probably a Tuesday or Thursday right now.

What do others think?

It seems to me Monday would have us competing against televised sports, and Friday is, well, Friday.  And I personally have a conflict on Wednesdays.

Thanks for your input!

Dan Stromberg

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