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Fw: Meetup Message from christina qura: clean energy legislation

From: Philo C.
Sent on: Saturday, September 19, 2009, 12:10 PM

christina qura sent you this message from Northern Virginia 
Environment Meetup on Meetup:


Hi, I'm working with an environment group that is concerned 
with passing clean energy legislation. The focus of our 
campaign is getting people to write letters to send to Senators 
Webb and Warner urging them to support clean energy 
legislation. Do you think it would be possible to have a letter 
writing meet up, or to send a message to the group to see if I 
can get people to participate? I will provide paper/envelopes 
and also mail the letters. The campaign prefers hand written 
letters, but if someone has a lot to say they could always type 
it. They can write about any part of environmental concerns 
that they want. The deadline for our campaign is Oct 2nd. Do 
you think this is something that you and/or the group would be 
able to participate in?




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