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I need some Arduino help with the Relationship Tester

From: Steven J G.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 11, 2018, 9:19 AM
If I bring in the Relationship Tester, is there anyone who could take some time helping with Arduino programming?

It is pretty simple in concept. I'm building the hardware and electronics. It will measure the time it takes for a capacitor to charge, to measure resistance. Several potentiometers will put 0 to 5V on analog inputs. The measurements will be used to determine outputs.

PWM (analogWrite) outputs will drive the meter, two high voltage circuits, and two small vibration motors.

The resistance measurement will be used to decide the meter output, with the maximum determined by one of the potentiometers, another pot will determine when the vibration motors turn on, and the other potentiometer will determine the PWM driving the high voltage circuits.

I will be happy if the minimum we get going is the:
1. resistance measurement
2. the potentiometer that determines the full scale meter vs the resistance measurement

Even better if we get this going to:
3. the potentiometer that determines when the motors turn on

I can wire the high voltage circuits to just run and manually adjust the intensity.

Steve Greenfield AE7HD

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