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Updated pot luck list- 10-21

From: Tala
Sent on: Tuesday, October 21, 2014, 10:42 PM
Please either email what you are going to bring to the list,( and I will add it in)
or copy and paste and add in what you plan to bring, of course homemade dishes are best!!
Chips & Dip- Robin & Tony
Cheese & Crackers-Marian & Norm 
Broccoli Cheddar Soup- Angela & Dave
Chicken Wings- David B
Veggie Platter & Dip-
Main Meal:
Hamburgers & Hot dogs- Robin & Tony
Sweet & Savory Kielbasa- Sherri & Felix
Yellow Squash Casserole- Michelle F
Macaroni & Cheese - Lizzie
Green bean casserole- Marasol
Cauliflower casserole- Debi
Macaroni & Cheese- Lizzie
Vegetarian Dish- Holly C
Macaroni Salad- Betty
3 Meat Chili- Joe E
Viking Meatballs- Zack
Chicken tikka masala- Priya & Glenn


Magic Gooey Bars-Marian & Norm
Chocolate chip cookies- Angela & Dave
Homemade honey-almond cookies- Suki
Homemade choc chip cookies- Jay
Ice Cream Sundeas- Robin
Regular & Gluten Free brownies- Colleen & kids
Samhain cider - Jillian
Lactaid free milk- Suki
Soda- Jodi & Casey