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organizing stuff

From: user 2.
Sent on: Monday, February 18, 2008, 2:20 PM
Hi Everyone.

I'm excited to be there tonight. Please be careful driving on the icy roads!

I want to mention this now and we can also talk about it tonight. I need to tag some people as "Assistant Organizers" on the Meetup page so that when I leave you can have access privileges. This means I need to know who would like to step up and take over for me. I have had a few volunteers to help with cookies which is great. Someone needs to monitor the financial part of the group. We are paid up until the end of May. After that, you will need to figure out how to keep that going. I guess you can worry about that later though.

Tonight I'll ask again about Assistant Organizers. It would be good if I can tag a handful of you so that you can all work together to keep the group going.

I'll be there tonight, and then I'll be there on the 25th, but after that I cannot come anymore. That is so sad!!!!

See ya soon,
