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January OCF Workshop, Manhattan

From: Bob H.
Sent on: Monday, November 17, 2014, 4:06 PM

Hi Everyone,

Right on the heels of the successful workshop at Studio 28on27, I'm considering another in January.

Tentative date:

Date: January 24, 2015

Location: A Rental Studio, 315 W 39th Street, maybe a 10 minute walk from Grand Central

Time: 11-5

Cost: $300.00


I'm considering this studio, which is slightly more expensive than 28on27, for its convenience to Grand Central Station.

We'll do a bit more creative light this time:

40's Hollywood Glamour

Creative Makeup Shot

Creative light with a lot more edge and back light

Multiple light setups: 1-4 lights

Looks: fashion, glamour, lingerie: La Perla and VS, and some other fun stuff!

Interested?  Please let me know by email or message on Meetup.  I need to book the studio and need at least 6 to run it.






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