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Pro Photographers: Successful 2015

From: Jim L.
Sent on: Saturday, January 17, 2015, 1:55 PM

This message is just for those that want to make money with their photography in 2015.

I have done this in the past as the regular January meeting, but because so many are not trying to make money in photography I decided not to do it that way this year.

So I have a question for you:

Do you want a 1-2 hour meeting on how to have a successful 2015?

Cost: $10

When: weekday evening the last week on this month.

Location: Most likely The Dominion Country Club or Landers Photography School


Please reply to this message if you believe at this point you would be interested. Based on the responses, I will choose whether or not to make this happen!


Thank you for responding,


[address removed]

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