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New Meetup: All-Star Trading Education Event

From: user 5.
Sent on: Thursday, May 13, 2010, 11:06 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Overland Park Day Traders Meetup!

What: All-Star Trading Education Event

When: Tuesday, May 25,[masked]:00 AM

Overland Park Convention Center
6000 College Blvd
Overland Park, KS 66211

9 fast-moving sessions to take your trading expertise to the next level!

Here's just a sampling of the topics that will be covered:

* Perception vs. Reality. How are successful pros coping with the turbulence in today's market? The answers are likely to surprise you!
* The Basics of Charting & Technical Indicators. Take a "deep dive" into technicals and find that perfect trade which may be hiding in plain sight!
* Risk Management in Today's Market. The #1 rule of the successful trader is to avoid losing money. Find out how to limit your downside so you can focus on the big win!

PLUS: * Futures & Intraday Stock Trading * How To Become a Market Driven Trader * and more... concluding with an exciting workshop session where you can practice what you've learned in a simulated trading environment!

This could be your only opportunity to see some of the world's best traders and most inspiring instructors all in one place.


**ALUMNI - Special event for you May 24, check the Alumni meetup for details.

Learn more here:

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