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October 2015 Writing News - Meet more writers, write more words!

From: Shen
Sent on: Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 11:46 AM

Salutations, writer-types!

We're in the thick of fall now, and much activity is afoot.

NaNoWriMo Season

That's right, it's back! November is National Novel Writing Month! Can you write 50,000 words in 30 days? We know you can!

Why would you want to attempt this crazy challenge? Because it gets you writing. Because there's a great community of writers also doing it. Because it's fun. Because you'll learn about yourself and your writing. Our weekly write-ins are actually inspired by the NaNo strategy. Why? Because it works.

Not interested in novels? You can also be a NaNo Rebel and write poetry, nonfiction, memoir, a collection of short stories, a script... the point is to set a high goal and run with it.

To join up, follow the directions on the How It Works page. Set your home region as Central New Jersey to stay in the loop with all things local.

You can RSVP on MeetUp to show you're participating as well: NaNoWriMo 2015!

There are also listings for the Kick Off Party, Part 1 and Part 2.

Our Regular Write-Ins

To reiterate, here's what's happening every week:

Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 7am at The Grind in Plainsboro

Thursday evenings from 7-9pm at The Grind in Plainsboro are continuing

Sunday mornings from 10am-12pm at The Grind in Plainsboro are now underway

Looking for More Write-Ins?

November is a great time to find them! NaNoWriMo brings writers together like nothing else. Come find writers in these places and more:

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group are also in: