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New Meetup: Step 1 and 2

From: Shannon S.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 12:24 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Antonio Psychic Development!

What: Step 1 and 2

When: November 21,[masked]:00 AM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Step 1
The Orientation Lecture is about clarifying the constant impressions, feelings, hunches and visions you receive daily, balancing your spiritual and physical worlds and working with your natural psychic abilities.
Never doubt your decisions again! See how you fit in your world and claim your right to the use of practical tools that you brought with you this lifetime to make the most of this school called planet earth.

Step 2
This workshop focuses on your experiences. You will have the opportunity to experience your own potential through the use of special energy techniques.
Energize your aura and release any negativity or pressure in less than five seconds. This self-healing technique can be used at anytime to connect with your angels and your creative inspiration.
Experience "Thought Transference", a technique of sending and receiving a mental message. See how well you communicate psychically with yourself and others.
Feel what it is like to be "one with all things" and find the "real you" and the positive energy of your angels around you.
Regroup your spiritual growth to the present time, and see where you are heading.
With the use of sharing and involvement, this workshop helps you to have "high energy" everyday.

Step 1
10:00 - 11:30 am
$ 10.00

Step 2
1:00 - 4:00 pm
$ 35.00

Combo price for both - $ 40.00

Location TBA

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