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Tax and Bookkeeping Support Group

From: Tony G.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 2:39 PM
Hey guys,

We received 15 votes for the poll I posted last week which was enough for me to book the back room at Beer Revolution for anyone who has questions about professional business income, GST and bookkeeping basics:

Thursday, April 18th @ 6:30pm
Beer Revolution (back room) - 1080 8th St. SW

Disclaimer: I'm not an accountant nor do I play one on podcasts.

This is a support group, not a formal workshop. I'm no expert but I've learned a few things that have helped me survive the past 14 years and a lot of you can probably say the same. 

Don't be ashamed if you're in trouble. I still find myself behind the 8-ball when I should know better so there will no judgement from me. Ask your questions, share your stories and maybe we can help each other out.


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