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Django-district, etc. in 2015

From: Andrew T. B.
Sent on: Friday, January 2, 2015, 4:07 PM
Hi DC Python web peoples!

2015 is going to be an exciting year for our group! Here are a few announcements to kick off the year:

January's meetup is on 1/13
Join us as Chad Shryock tells us about his recent experiences with Django CMS and Django 1.7.

We're still looking for a food sponsor for this meetup - if your company can help, please email me off the list

Inaugural Project Night is on 1/21
We're teaming up with DC Python this year to offer monthly Project Nights in addition to our normal talk meetups. 

Project Nights are informal gatherings where attendees can bring their own projects and work together (or just next to each other). A great way to start off the year sharpening your Python skills!

Code of Conduct
Our group has adopted a code of conduct to help make our events as welcoming and inclusive as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of the organizers about it.

A big thank you to Chad Shryock and Mike Brown who stepped forward to help organize the group in 2015.

If you ever have any questions or suggestions for this group, feel free to email any of us!

Call for speakers
We need a speaker for our meetup in February! 

If you have done some Python web development work recently you think others could benefit from hearing about, please reach out to one of the organizers! The topic does not have to be Django-specific.

I'm really excited for what 2015 will bring. Thanks for being a part of our group and I hope to see you soon!


P.S. Did you know that Django will turn 10 this July? Let us know if you have a good idea for celebrating a web framework's birthday :P

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