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Films: October 19, 21, 24, 26

From: John
Sent on: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 12:16 AM
Dear Radical Visionaries,

Four exciting and unusual films have been scheduled for the final weeks of October. Please check the links below for more information and to RSVP!

What: Harmut Bitomsky?s Dust
When: Sunday, October 19, 6:30
"Dust is everywhere and ever-present. A conglomeration of the smallest particles, dust nestles in carpets and in attics. It invades laboratories and settles on artworks. It is blown into the air from factory smokestacks and resides in every raindrop. It is fought and cleared away, but in this Sisyphean task, dust is set in motion and returns even as it is being removed. Dust examines the myriad forms and pathways of dust. It pursues dust to the places where it settles and meets the people who contend with it. Armies of cleaning men and women, manufacturers of vacuum cleaners and air cleansing products, housewives, toxic waste disposal workers, and museum custodians. In examining the many types of dust, including microscopic particulates invisible to the naked eye, Dust hears from a variety of scientists--botanists, biologists, meteorologists, and astronomers--who investigate the environmental and health consequences of dust, from Sahara sandstorms and the Oklahoma dust bowl of the Thirties to the toxic dust generated by the 9/11 demolition of the WTC towers."
"Dust is brilliant, be it as a philosophical reflection, an aesthetic portrayal, or a concrete educational lesson." --DOX International Documentary Film Festival Program
"A vanitas for late capitalism." --Matt Sussman, San Francisco Bay Guardian

Where: Link for more details and to send or change an RSVP

What: Lucio
When: Tuesday, October 21, 8:45
Details: Capitalism meets Spanish anarchism in Lucio, the riveting story of a famous radical."Lucio Uturbia's working-class roots sapped his faith in capitalist and religious institutions. His upbringing under Franco's regime drew him towards the philosophical tenets of anarchism. And his talent for forgery helped him to cripple the world's largest bank. The story of how this bricklayer with a skill for forgery brought down powerful institutions without resorting to violence is riveting and inspiring. Directors Aitor Arregi and Jose Mari Goenaga create tension and excitement without sacrificing gravitas or distracting us from the simple lessons at the heart of the film--difficult feats to achieve in the face of such drama....With great respect for the fight against political, economic and social injustice in Spain and around the world, Lucio chronicles one man but recognizes a global struggle."

Where: Link for more details and to send or change an RSVP

What: Tarkovsky?s Mirror
When: Friday October 24, 6:30
Details: Andrei Tarkovsky's Mirror is the great Russian director's cinematic autobiography and the spiritual autobiography of his country and generation. Mirror is also, in this writer's opinion, the best film ever made. Film scholar Richard Pena describes Mirror as Tarkovsky's "most ambitious and most emotionally wrenching film. The plot, such as it is, concerns a dying man who reflects back on his childhood during World War II, the postwar transformation of Russian society, and his difficult relations with his wife and his mother. Yet, the film is concerned less with the facts of the memories than the memory's textures: the precise feelings experienced at these moments. A collage of imagery--including dramatic sequences, personal memories, newsreels, dreams, and purely abstract passages--the film also liberally quotes from the poetry of Tarkovsky's father Arseny. In a double role as the narrator's estranged wife and his mother, Margareta Terekova is simply amazing."

Where: Link for more details and to send or change an RSVP

What: Leslie Thornton's Peggy and Fred in Hell: The Expiration (with director in person)
When: Sunday October 26, 6:30
Details: "Peggy and Fred in Hell [masked]), Leslie Thornton's major work, is a serial epic akin to the works of Craig Baldwin and Alan Curtis in its ravenous appropriation of disparate archival footage, radical use of diverse genre forms and embodiment of media history. Variously documenting and dramatizing the lives of two children adrift in a post-apocalyptic, yet media saturated, wasteland, Peggy and Fred is equal parts ethnography, science fiction and horror film. Issued episodically and long considered to be perpetually 'incomplete,' The Expiration marks the approach of its unexpected conclusion: 'I would say it has been a quest which began to close down after 9/11, when the pretense of the work's "future tense" (its undefined apocalypse) dissolved into a more disturbing present and then even a past. Peggy and Fred was set in the detritus of the Cold War. In the last few episodes, the serial project finds its narrative arc, ending on a note strangely optimistic, though post-human.'" Director Thornton will conclude the evening with a reading of text from The Eradication, the final episode in progress of Peggy and Fred in Hell.

Where: Link for more details and to send or change an RSVP