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New Meetup: Reiki I Certification Course

From: Suzanne
Sent on: Monday, December 14, 2009, 11:37 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Reiki & Vibrational Energy Group!

What: Reiki I Certification Course

When: January 2,[masked]:00 PM

Price: CAD150.00 per person

Common Ground Tustin
14051 Newport Blvd H
Tustin, CA 92780

During this Certification, you will receive the First Degree Reiki energy attunement, which will give you the ability to channel Reiki energy.
In addition, you will learn:
? The history and evolution of Reiki
? Learn the Reiki Power symbol
? The standard Reiki hand positions for others and self
? The practical applications & beneficial effects of Reiki
? Professional practice standards
? The ethics of touch
? Practice treatments
Twenty one days after attending the Reiki I class you are considered a Reiki Practitioner I and become eligible to offer Reiki professionally.

Class is from 5-10pm



Direct Intuition
[masked] or

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