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Fwd: 10/11 Overpasses/Truckers Rally

From: Bob W.
Sent on: Monday, September 30, 2013, 11:32 AM

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Susan <[address removed]>
Date: September 30, 2013, 10:12:34 AM EDT
To: "[address removed]" <[address removed]>
Subject: 10/11 Overpasses/Truckers Rally

Hi Bob
I received your email through 9-12 mailing list. I'm part of the group. We have a Melbourne group that has been meeting on the Pineda Causeway overpass at I-95. We will be there again this Saturday10/5 from 10am til about 2pm
Then again on 10/11, and we are still determining the time, but will probably be the same.  Hope to see a bunch of the 9-12ers there.. There is also a group meeting in Cocoa, they don't have it posted on our page yet, but will probably be up soon. We'll know the location of the Cocoa group very soon..

Susan Mitchell

Sent from my iPhone