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2013 Announcement - Please Read

From: Karyn M.
Sent on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 12:27 PM
Greetings Liberty Lovers!!! 

In this new year, The Republican Liberty Caucus of Northeast Florida is set to move forward with PROMOTING LIBERTY and giving LIBERTY MINDED INDIVIDUALS a home for education, issues and activism!

For the next 6 months, our meetings will be held in the Southside area of Jacksonville ON THE LAST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH.

Salem Center (formerly Venture Plex)

7235 Bonneval Road, Jacksonville, FL 32256

This year we are looking forward to exciting, informative meetings that are sure to get people motivated to DEFEND their liberty from tyrannical government!   Our MEMBER DRIVEN organization is unlike many other groups around town.  At our meetings we discuss REAL issues of Liberty and what needs to be done to ensure LIBERTY is around for generations of future Americans!!!

We look forward to seeing YOU AND YOUR GUESTS for our January Meeting that will be held on the 29th.  

The members of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Northeast Florida are able to provide finger food and libations strictly through donations received from members and guests!  So please come, have a great time and be sure to DONATE!  

Aside from having a great time with like minded LIBERTY LOVERS, we ask that our fellow members contribute financially and actively recruit new members so our group continues to grow and the message of LIBERTY continues to awaken those who may still be asleep!

I look forward to seeing everyone and ringing in the new year with all of you!!

In liberty,

Cliff Johnson III Treasurer Republican Liberty Caucus of North East Florida [address removed]

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