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Help the RLC with Legislation and meeting promotion

From: travis c.
Sent on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 6:44 PM

It’s a new year for the RLC- let’s get’s moving.

We have two items we need help with.  One is moving Liberty Legislation, the other is promoting the January RLC meeting.

The RLC Florida Legislative Agenda is posted on our message board, What we need to do is take our message to our state representatives.  We need members who are interested in actively working to move legislation. Contact me at [address removed] if you want to be on our legislative committee.  We need to get on this because if we wait it will be too late.

Let’s pack the room at our January meeting.  The easiest way to help is to join the events page at //[masked]/?context=create&ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming  and invite your facebook friends.  If you want to help more, copy and paste the meeting flyer below and take some copies to any of the meeting dates listed below. These should all be good venues to promote our meeting, but I want to call particular attention to two of these events. One the NW St. Johns Republican Club meeting.  This club is run by some Liberty-Republicans, it would be great if some of the RLC members could make it to “Restoring our Constitutional Republic” so we can build affinity between our groups. The other vital meeting is the UNF College Republicans. These are young Republicans and I believe they have cross membership with the Young Americans for Liberty, it would be double-plus good for us to get together. If you do attend at UNF, make sure you know where you are going, it’s a big campus.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give, hope to see you at the next meeting.

Travis Christensen, RLCNF Secretary

Monday Jan 20, 6:00 pm      Duval Republican Executive Committee Meeing.  Crown Plaza Riverfront Hotel, 1201 Riverplace Blvd at the Mainstreet Bridge.

Tuesday Jan 21, 6:30 pm     NW St. Johns Republican Club. “Restoring our Constitutional Republic,” At Champions Club in Julington Creek, 1111 Durbin Creek Blvd, Fruit Cove, Fl 32259

Tuesday Jan 21, 6:30 pm     Westside Tea Party at Park City Baptist Church 7410 Park City Drive.

Wednesday Jan 22, 6:00 pm     UNF College Republicans, at Student Union West Building, room 3605. Jason Fischer of the Duval Count y School Board will be speaking

Wednesday, Jan 22, 6:00 pm     Ponte Vedra  Tea Party at Ponte Vedra Library

Meeting flyer

Concerned About America?

The Republican Liberty Caucus is a national grassroots organization working to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government, free and fair markets, and personal freedom and responsibility.  Attend our monthly meeting for discussion on REALITY vs MYTH, THE CONSTITUIONAL CONVENTION.

Many view a Constitutional Convention (con-con) as a quick way to pass amendments they think will stop the big-government juggernaut.  .

Why would politicians suddenly start following an amended Constitution after ignoring and violating the current Constitution for so long? The remedy so desperately needed to return our country to good government is to enforce the Constitution, not amend it.

The John Birch Society has opposed calls for a modern-day Constitutional Convention (con-con) for decades and seeks to work through Congress for Constitutional amendments rather than through a convention.

Mr. Keith Dunn, Field Coordinator for the John Birch Society will be our featured Speaker.

Be sure to attend!  Learn more and ask questions!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

6pm - Social Hour

7pm - Presentation

See you there!

Karyn Morton, Chair

Our monthly meetings are at the Republican Party of Duval County Headquarters

3730 Beach Blvd


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