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From: travis c.
Sent on: Sunday, January 26, 2014, 9:10 PM

An essential part of the RLC mission is to push freedom legislation. The RLC of Florida's 2014 Legislative agenda includes items to defend the Second Amendment and property right, and oppose red light cameras, Real ID, Common Core Curriculum and the excessive collection of data from Florida public school students. These are all good bills but they have to pass the Florida Legislature so that they can become laws. What we are proposing is a RLCNF Legislative Committee: volunteers from among our membership willing to give a little of their time and effort to promote these bills to our representatives in Duval and the surrounding counties in Northeast Florida.

Our general membership meeting will be this Tuesday. I hope that everyone can make it. I will be talking to members individually from 6:00-7:00 during the social hour and will be giving a short, 5 minute presentation after our speaker on the Constitutional Convention. We can organize and help push these bills forward.

Travis Christensen, RLC Secretary

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