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A Request I Received About GMOs

From: Bob P.
Sent on: Thursday, May 21, 2015, 10:32 AM
To: The San Jose Ron Paul Meetup -

I just received a request to publicize a meeting about a speech on GMOs.
Here is my response with her original request below. I have removed her

She claims to be a Christian, but GMOs steal farmers' property rights
over their crops - a clear violation of biblical morality.

Bob Pegram


To her name was here -

The title of this talk - that GMOs are good - will drive many people
away. GMOs can be good or bad depending on what they do. Altering a
plant so that it generates poison to kill pests can't be good for humans
who eat it.

On the other hand, there are probably ways to make a plant stronger - to
withstand greater temperature extremes and that kind of thing that would
be good.
The problem is that making one change in a plant's DNA can have all
sorts of unintended (and unknown) consequences. There can be a cascading
effect of numerous changes all caused by one DNA change.

Another problem is that the pollen from GMO altered plant is carried to
other fields where the farmer may not want GMOs in his crop. The current
laws allow Monsanto to sue the farmer for stealing their GMO
'technology; in spite of the fact the farmer views his crop as being
tainted. He is held responsible for Monsanto not keeping their GMOs
under control. He is also held liable for what bees do naturally - they

The dishonesty of Monsanto and the crazy court rulings and laws I just
mentioned turn property rights on their head. The farmer's crop is
destroyed as far as he is concerned and then he has to pay Monsanto for
destroying his crop!

Even if GMOs were all good, a farmer has the right to control his crop.
GMOs violate that and violates one of God's 10 COMMANDMENTS.

Bob Pegram
San Jose Ron Paul Meetup Group


Her name was here 9:47 AM

Hi Bob, I am currently organizing several events in the Bay Area and was
wondering if you could consider attending or share this information with
somebody that may be interested.
Every month we have an event in your area, each being on a different
topic. If you could share this with anyone interested or even someone
that would like to learn more about Ayn Rand and her ideas, that would
be great.