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Basic Dance Steps for ALL men and women

From: Harry L.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 9:58 PM
Special for the guys... ladies you can read it also...

I need help, it is also a wonderful chance to learn a couple of basic dance steps in for comfort of a studio and your friends.

I know that many of you men don't like to dance because you don't know what to do once you ask a woman out onto that dance floor. And most of the time the ladies just do their best to follow whatever you do...

Well, another opportunity has come to learn a few basic dance steps and get into the comfort zone while on the dance floor. We guys don't get many chances to be in control. The dance floor is our turf. As my stepdaughter said "time to step it up"!

Let's treat the ladies like they deserve and get a nice lead on the dance floor. It is really a lot of fun and enjoyment for everyone!

Lessons at $8 if you sign up for 4 or more lessons.


Call Tonna at[masked] or email her at: [address removed]

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