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Fw:TWO announcements!!! has been sent

From: John Morey - RE i.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 1:57 PM
Hey salsa lover!
Check out the email below. If you are having trouble with it go to then look for JUNE 23. DJ GREENE will be in Huntsville. Great SALSA in store for you!!  It is for a good cause!
John "salseroblanko"
"Salsa in Huntsville is on the rise"
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Subject: TWO announcements!!!
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Two announcements 
What a great night! Pictures are now posted and new short video!
Also... June 23... we surely would like to see you!
As always..... Thanks to Bob Topp. He has some amazing shots!
CLICK HERE to see the pics of May 19 Salsa Night at the Radissson Hotel. or paste this link 

Here is the new video of the Radisson Salsa Night
 JUNE 16. Check it out.
Saturday Night Salsa Radisson Hotel June 16_2012 (madison/huntsville)
Saturday Night Salsa Radisson Hotel June 16_2012 (madison/huntsville)
 JUNE 23 = Dancing with Friends
This is a fundraiser event! TWO DJs for your dancing pleasure!! EMPIRE FITNESS is going to be the venue! This event is to help AIDS ACTION COALITION non-profit organization.
We will have latin dance workshops designed to encourage more folks to be involved in our ever growing Salsa community. ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS - we love you! Join us!!
Please help us by spreading the word about this event.
For all the details about this event = CLICK HEREor past click on this link
Thank you for spreading the word!

Salsa at the Radisson
dancing with friends 
8006 Old Madison Pike
Huntsville, Alabama 35758
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Salseroblanko | 8006 Old Madison Pike | Huntsville | AL | 35758