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Volleyball Meetup - back from the dead!

From: Elizabeth Nofziger D.
Sent on: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 3:41 PM

Welcome (back) to the volleyball meetup! .. you may have joined a while back, but this group has been quiet lately. I tried to email the organizer to put together a game myself, but meetup didn't have her current email. So I jumped at the chance to organize in general.

AND, I'm looking for assistant organizers. Like to play? Have a friend or two you could bring along for the first few times, so we have enough people for sure?

I just joined a vavi volleyball league, and games start this weekend and run thru Feb. So, I probably won't be able to organize a weekly/regular game until after that.

But, I did just buy a net. It's not the fanciest one ever (probably would have spent more had I known I could use it with this group) but it works. And, I have a ball. Anyone else have a net and/or ball? One possibility is .. I could set up the net before my 12 o'clock vavi game this Sat, next to where we play in OB. When you're done you could take it down and leave it with me.

Please let me know if you're up for that, and/or for helping organize some regular weekend play!


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