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Sensational SB Wine Lovers -Can't Wait to See YOU!!!

From: Tia
Sent on: Saturday, April 7, 2012, 8:06 AM

Warm Greetings Sensational Wine Lovers,                         

Sharing with you the magic we're in for next week! Yesterday I cruised by the Maritime museum around  6:15 and took in the full experience of the Harbor, the spectacular view, the ambiance and energy of the people..... it was MAGICAL! The cruise line had such presence which was a sight in itself. Beyond the beauty, the people that I mingled with, the "Harbor folks" who have their own special community and I'm delighted we are being invited into it. I met a free spirit who is living on his boat and traveling the seas whenever he is so inspired. Chatted with a fascinating owner of a yacht that was a floating pleasure palace and appreciated the diversity in the people called to the water.

So I share this with the excitement that I get to experience that slice of paradise again next week with YOU! We have created our own community and I'm thrilled that we can go to some fabulous venues, enjoy the company of friendly, welcoming people and share the pleasure of great wines and fun. If you have recently joined, not come for awhile, this will be a fabulous opportunity to get acquainted in a mingle friendly venue. If you are a regular, looking forward to seeing you again and encourage you to bring a friend. We have grown as a group over the years (Thanks David) and it's sometimes a challenge to find a location that would accommodate a larger turnout and this month we have that opportunity. So grab as many sensational singles and wine enthusiast that you know and let's have some fun!

Their are many talents within our group and we will have our resident sommelier Todd sharing his insights on all things vino :) We welcome all the in house wine affectionados to share their  wisdom. We have some nice raffle goodies and a surprise experience to be enjoyed by all.

The Extremely successful speed dating event coordinator Emily will be on hand creating an interest list for their next event. This event SOLD OUT and had a long waiting list so if you are interested in participating make sure you talk to Emily.

Looking forward a beautiful time together! Enjoy


"In wine one beholds the heart of another" ~ unknown

Thank you to Beckman Vineyards, Oreana Winery, Kalarya for your support!


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