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From: Alex N.
Sent on: Monday, January 23, 2012, 7:07 PM
OK, that subject line was too sensationalistic, but tomorrow hopes to be an exciting debate. I will present the deeply troubling challenge for science, the problem of underdetermination, and then member Philip Bitar will defend his theory of knowledge (see message boards) against this challenge. Finally, we will have a general rock'em sock'em discussion.

Of course, everyone will be courteous and nice as per usual (and keep their swords sheathed and dueling pistols at home). But, *do* expect the intellectual sparks to fly!

If you have not RSVP'd or said 'no' but, in any case, find you can come afterall, then just show up! I especially encourage those involved in the world of science or with deep interest in science and philosophy of science to come.


P.S. Try to arrive on time, because we have lots of ground to cover.