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RE: [seakayaking-35] Assistance moving kayaks and leading the trip will be needed for Saturday

From: Saul_K
Sent on: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 9:18 AM
Good morning,
I thought I'd thank everyone for the nice emaills and phone calls. I'm
doing pretty well, although being in a strange town with a mobility injury
is kind of a pain in the butt, 7.5 hours on the bus yesterday, a nd boy am
I ever slow on crutches ;-). I'll probably break down and use a car next
week. A few of you wanted to know what happened, so here's the short (for
Saul anyway) version. Riding a tandem downhill with too little pressure in
the front tire we added too much speed and lost traction on the front, I
didn't want to do my usual abandon the bike move as that would have
severely injured my partner, so I planted my foot and skidded the bike to
a twisting stop. In the process I jammed my knee so hard and twisted it
that I sheared off the Tibular platform (the mass of bone that your knee
rests on), (here a picture:­) it's actually a
really bad place to break as it can heal wrong and cause many
complications to your knee joint. I have to wear a Frankenstien brace with
no weight on the knee until Mid November, then after that I'll be able to
gradually add weight by walking in a pool, etc. I can't carry my own
weight right now, so carrying kayaks won't work and I'm not flexible
enough to get in a kayak right now, I'll probably try canoeing for a while
as inactivity and lack of outdoors time will drive me nuts). I'm still
trying to figure out how to bathe, so far it's been sponge baths and I
really long for a shower. We have a lockeroom at work with showers (my San
Diego apartment has a bath with a shower head but I can't step over the
side of the tub to get in), so I'll probably move my bathing to work
(interesting how we have to adapt to what we can do). As far as the
weekend prior to the injury, it was one of the best I've ever had, camping
on Santa Catalina Island great company, great scenery, ever heard and seen
bison just outside your tent? so I'm in a pretty good state of mind.
Coleen and Dan did a great job of taking care of me, helping me walk to
the train station with the bike (yes I was too stubborn to call an
ambulance),  getting me to the clinic, feeding me and getting me back to
my apartment. I am still working on getting someone to lead the San Juans
trip but if I don't have someone by Thursday, I'll probably cancel it. I
may have a BBQ at my house in Seattle this weekend and will post within
the next day or two. Keep playing outdoors and having fun - Saul

P.S - I am still in the process of posting San Juans updates, kayaks and
meal teams - I wrote it earlier but never posted it, now I have to edit
it. Yes the meals will be group meals and I'll premake the dinner to send
it off with you guys.

PS #2 - I need more people to put on paddling trips, as I will be out for
2-4 months.

> OUCH!!! I hope you have a speedy recovery.Leea > From:
> [address removed]> To: [address removed]> Subject: Re:
> [seakayaking-35] Assistance moving kayaks and leading the trip will be
> needed for Saturday> Date: Tue, 7 Oct[masked]:19:00 -0400> > Hello Saul,>
> > I hope you have a speedy recovery. I got tasked to go to Army training >
> this weekend, so I will not be able to go on the San Juan trip. Sorry >
> about the short notice. I'll change my RSVP on the meetup page.> > Take
> care,> > Brian Carnes> > > On Oct 6, 2008, at 8:53 AM, Saul wrote:> > >
> Good morning everyone, I have updated boat assignments and meals for > >
> the San Juans trip and for the Kenmore Salmon paddle. Unfortunately > > I
> broke my left leg in two places yesterday, so I won't be very good > > at
> loading kayaks or moving the trailer.,I'll also need someone else > > to
> lead the San Juans trip. If you can help with any of this, please > > let
> me know, it would be much appreciated.> >> > Saul> >> >> > Saul Kinderis>
> > [address removed]> > Www,isomedia,com/hom­es/saul> >[masked]> >
> 206,313,0107> >> >> >> >> > --> > Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your
> message will be sent to > > everyone on this mailing list
> ([address removed])> > https://seakayakin...;­ > This
> message was sent by Saul ([address removed]) from Seattle Area > > Sea
> Kayaking Meetup Group.> > To learn more about Saul, visit his/her member
> profile: https://seakayakin...;­ > To
> unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here:
> https://www.meetup...;­ > Meetup Support: [address removed]>
> > 632 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 USA> >> > > > > --> Please Note: If you
> hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list
> ([address removed])> https://seakayakin...;­ This
> message was sent by Brian ([address removed]) from Seattle Area Sea
> Kayaking Meetup Group.> To learn more about Brian , visit his/her member
> profile: https://seakayakin...;­ To unsubscribe
> or to update your mailing list settings, click here:
> https://www.meetup...;­ Meetup Support: [address removed]>
> 632 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 USA>

Saul Kinderis
[address removed][masked]


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