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New Meetup: Data-Based News - The Role of Data And Metadata In News Gathering and Management

From: Evan S.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 10:34 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Lotico New York Semantic Web!

What: Data-Based News - The Role of Data And Metadata In News Gathering and Management

When: Thursday, September 30,[masked]:00 PM

Where: AOL HQ
770 Broadway 6th Floor
New York, NY 10003

Since time immemorial, two major knowledge management questions have bedeviled news organizations. First, when faced with a giant pile of primary source material, how does a reporter intelligently and efficiently discover the newsworthy bits? Second, how should the organization index and expose the latest news and archival material to both consumers and reporters?

To answer these questions, Lotico the New York Semantic Web and Hacks & Hackers have teamed up to bring you an incredible series of speakers. Tom Tague from Reuters will show us how we can use Reuters OpenCalais platform to address both of these questions. Mike Dunn, CTO of the Hearst Corporation, will present on the role of data and metadata in Hearst?s operations. Veteran reporters from The New York Times (Tom Torok) and The Wall Street Journal (Maurice Tamman) will present on their work in Computer Assisted Reporting. And Justin Cleary, a Senior Product manager with AOL News, will tell provide us insight into AOL?s approach to news curation.

We?re very fortunate to have such an outstanding lineup and are looking forward to seeing you at this great gathering.

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