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Room & Project studio for rent/Treasure Island music fest ticket

From: Andrew James R.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 3, 2013, 9:34 AM
Hey gang!

I just got an opportunity to work in NYC between 07/10/13 and 09/10/13 and I'm going to rent out my apartment and project studio for the summer! Let me know if you're interested and if not please feel free to pass this on to anyone that this may be relevant to. And, if you know people in NYC that need a flat mate during my time window I would greatly appreciate the connection!

Also, I bought a ticket to the Treasure Island Music Festival and I am now attending a wedding on that date. If anyone is interested in going I'm selling it at face value, no service charges. Please let me know if you're interested before next Wednesday's meetup!


Andrew Rahman

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